Who is allowed to invite new members into workplaces or groups?

Do you know who are allowed to invite other people to join your workplace or groups?

By default, only the workplace admins and group admins are able to invite people. However, this setting can be changed to allow any member to invite others into the workplace or groups.

And here’s how!

Who can Invite Members
Plan:All plans
Permission:MembersWorkplace / group admins


  1. Enter the workplace or group.
  2. Click Workplace Settings / Group Settings, followed by Workplace Privacy / Group Privacy.
  3. Who can Invite Members option.
    • Owner and Admin
    • Everyone

Setting Recommendation
  • Inviting new members into the workplace could involve other settings such as their HR profiles, therefore, it is recommended that only the Workplace Admins are allowed to invite new members. Whereas, group collaboration may often bring in other members, so it is recommended that everyone is allowed to invite new members into the groups.
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