Wall is the place to find all the posts in chronological order. So if you ever need to edit or delete a post, the wall is the quickest way to do so.
Note that, you can designate post viewers. And after editing a post, you will be asked if you’d like to notify others about the changes made. Post deletion on the other hand will not send out notifications when the post is removed from the wall.
Edit a Post
Plan:All plans
Permission:All users
- Either enter the wall page or the dashboard wall page.
- Find the post to edit.
- Edit
- App │ Click the
icon then select Edit.
- Web │ Click the checkmark icon on the upper-right-hand corner then select Edit.
- App │ Click the
- Make the necessary changes.
- Click Save to finish.
- Notify members of changes made?
- No │ Small changes that do not require members’ immediate attention.
- Yes │ Important changes that require members’ immediate attention.
- The post will carry an Edited label and will be chronologically displayed on the wall.
Delete a Post
Plan:All plans
Permission:All users
- Either enter the wall page or the dashboard wall page.
- Find the post to delete.
- Delete
- App │ Click the
icon then select Delete.
- Web │ Click the checkmark icon on the upper-right-hand corner then select Delete.
- App │ Click the
- Confirm the action to delete the post.
- Only the post creators and the level admins are allowed to edit and delete posts. Everyone else can react, comment or share the posts.
- You may select members to notify regarding the changes made to a post.
- Click the
icon in the post using the app version to find out what other actions you can perform.