Monthly or yearly payment plan?
What’s WorkDo’s billing policy?

WorkDo charges by the workplace’s headcount, and it is quite easy to calculate the total cost! Simply pick a preferred plan for your workplace, then multiply by the number of people who will be using WorkDo. Easy, peasy!

What do I do if an employee has resigned? What’s the total cost?

Well, if your team has new employees on board before the next billing date, they will take the place of those who have left. And if the additional employees exceed the original headcount, the extra cost will be added to the next billing statement.

Here are some examples!

1 │ Monthly Payment

WorkDo will do a headcount every month then bill the workplace accordingly. If the workforce in your workplace fluctuates regularly, then monthly payment may be your preferred method.

Monthly Payment Plan Example
  • First Payment │ Subscribed Premium Plan on May 15th, 2020. The billing date is the 15th of each month.
    Users Count│10 members in the workplace.
    10 members in the workplace.
    Fee │ 10 members x $3 USD Premium Plan per user = $30 USD.

  • Second Payment │ Billed on June 15th, 2020.
    Users Count │5 new employees joined the workplace on May 20th, 2020.
    Fee │ 15 members x $3 USD Premium Plan per user = $45 USD.

  • Third Payment │ Billed on July 15th, 2020.
    User Count │3 employees left on June 25th, 2020.
    Fee │ 12 members x $3 USD Premium Plan per user = $36 USD.

  • Fourth Payment │ Billed on August 15th, 2020.
    User Count │ 8 new employees joined the workplace on July 16th, 2020 then 3 employees left on July 19th, 2020. 
    Fee │ 17 members x $3 USD Premium Plan per user = $51 USD.

2 │ Yearly Payment
WorkDo will do a headcount every year, if new employees join the workplace, the additional fee will be reflected the following month in proportion to the remaining months of the plan. Therefore, for workplaces with their workforce steadily increases, the yearly payment plan can save more money in the long run!

To sum up:

  • Save big and get 33% off by choosing the yearly payment!!!
  • New employees could fill in the headcount of resigned employees, no additional and hidden costs!
  • Only when the workplace’s purchased headcount is full will the cost of new employees will be charged to the workplace on the next billing date.
Yearly Payment Plan Example
  • First Payment │ Subscribed Premium Plan on May 15th, 2020. The billing date is set to the 15th of each month when there is a difference to be paid, else the billing date is May 15th, 2021.
    User Count │ 10 members in the workplace.
    Fee │ 10 members x $2 USD Premium Plan per user per month x 12 months = $240 USD.

  • Second Payment (Difference pay off) │ Billed on October 15th, 2020.
    User Count │ 5 new employees joined the workplace on October 16th, 2020.
    Fee │ Pay off the difference of  5 members starting from October 15th, 2020 to May 14th, 2021.
    5 members x $2 USD Premium Plan per user per month x 7 months = $70 USD.

  • Third Payment │ Billed on January 15th, 2021.
    User Count │2 employees resigned on December 31st, 2020 then 4 new employees joined the workplace on January 12th, 2021.
    Fee │ 2 members will count towards to originally purchased headcount, making the difference to be 2 new additional members from January 15th, 2021 to May 14th, 2021.
    2 members x $2 USD Premium Plan per user per month x 4 months = $16 USD.

  • fourth Payment │ Billed on May 15th, 2021.
    User Count │ 1 new employee joined the workplace on April 14th, 2021 then 2 employees resigned on May 1st, 2021.
    Fee │ The total of 16 users will be billed for the second year starting from May 15th, 2021 to May 14th, 2022.
    16 membersx$2 Premium Plan per user per month x 12 months = $384 USD.


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