A WorkDo workplace is...
An all-in-one platform to carry out daily operations.
With all the tools needed to get the job done!
Level management in Workplace / Groups / Buddies / Personal.
Data is compartmentalized for streamlined management and communication.
Use company emails to create/join workplace.
Securely protects company information.
The system enlists members using spicified company email domains.
Once matched and verified, members can join without invitations or approvals, and the workplace creator can change the ownership any time.
Create a workplace with free email accounts.
Target invite to manage members.
Click "Create with free email" and fill out the application to create a workplace.
Only the workplace admins can invite members. This provides an added layer of protection and secured access to workplace information.
Multiple ways to invite members!
Join a workplace is quick and painless.
Bulk invite by sending generated invite link, members are on board after verification.
- For workplace using a company email domain, click "Verify By Company Email" to sign up.
- For workplace using free email accounts, click "Verify By Mobile Number/Email Address" to sign up.
"Join Via Admin Approval" invite link can also be generated, members are on board when the admin approves the join requests.
Learn more...
I got an invite!
Easily join a workplace!
Follow the instructions of the invite or click the invite link to sign up and login.
Complete the verification and you are in!
Invitees who are pending approvals require admin's permission to gain access.